Zig Ziglar, the famous salesman and motivational speaker, once said that helping others get what they want can also help us get what we want. But what do people really want? That's a tough question.
Which do you think is the best way to find out what people want?
Check their astrology chart,
Hire psychics to read them,
Use a placemat from a Chinese restaurant to learn about their personality, or
Just ask them?
While it's hard to say which is the best option, asking them is usually the worst. Because they won't tell you what they really want…they will tell you what they think they should tell you.
If you ask ten people if they would prefer to see more positive or negative news stories, chances are most of them will say positive. But if you look at what people actually watch during ratings periods, you'll see that disaster, tragedy, betrayal, and sexual scandals get the most attention.
Even though we say we don't like them, these stories get the highest ratings. That's why the saying "if it bleeds, it leads" is so common in the news business.
This is why it's so important that we understand human psychology...buyer psychology.
There are a few 'human needs' that we all have. And they are what lay beneath the wants we say out loud.
When we identify the need our reader has, then we can write persuasive copy to draw them in.
The following is from The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion by Blair Warren. My copy of the ebook is Third Edition (E-book) - October 2007. As far as I know, you can't purchase it anywhere.