How to write a story even if you're not inspired or can't think of a thing to write about
This nifty tool will help you identify the important elements and tie them to your offer
Storytelling isn't always easy for me. Just because I'm able to write well, with clarity, and often with just the right amount of persuasion bits to sell a product - doesn't mean I'm able to write a great story.
I struggle with this. Especially when I'm writing for a client.
Now, if the story and connection to my offer is recent, I can sit and write it pretty fast.
I did this recently after finishing up a call with a new business friend. During our conversation we shared stories of our experiences with direct mail, clients, and changes in the industry.
And I was inspired to write one of those stories. Bonus points for me because it doesn't need much editing. There's a hook, a compelling middle, and a great call to action.
This isn’t normal, though. In most cases, trying to write a story with zero inspiration or no lead-in conversation is hard for me.
So this is what I do.
I use the worksheet below to help me identify the elements of the story. Then I’m able to put those elements into a narrative.