"So... You’ll cut my head off."
I raised an eyebrow at the salescritter. I was baiting him. I knew it, he knew it, I knew he knew it.
He grinned at me, happy to go along with the routine as long as me and my wallet continued to pay attention. "Mr. Johansson—”
"It’s Bob. Please. You’re not talking to my father.”
The CryoEterna sales rep—the nametag identified him as Kevin—nodded and gestured toward the big placard, which displayed the cryonics process in ghoulish detail. I took a moment to note his Armani suit and hundred-dollar haircut. It appeared there was money in Cryonics.
"Bob, there’s no point in freezing the entire body. Remember, the idea is to wait for advancements in medicine to be able to cure whatever killed you. By the time they can resuscitate your corpse, they’ll likely be able to grow you a whole new body. That would be easier, in fact, than trying to patch up the old one.”
That’s just insane enough to be true. “All right, Kevin, I’m sold.” I looked down at the papers he’d set out in front of me. “Ten thousand deposit, annual payments, insurance...”
Kevin stood patiently, letting me scan the information without interruption. I might be drunk with my newfound wealth, but almost a decade as an engineer and a business owner wouldn’t let me do anything without checking all the documentation.
Finally, I was satisfied. I signed the paperwork, wrote a cheque, and shook hands with Kevin.
This is the opening of Chapter 1 of the book I just finished. Lest you think I'm researching Cryogenics for myself, this is a fiction book. We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse Book 1) by Dennis Taylor.
It's fun. It's lively. And as you can see, the writing is short and easy to read.
Exactly how good email copy can be written.